Thursday, March 19, 2009

Aotearoa/New Zealand World Leader in Sustainable Technology

Check out the 'Renewable Energy Seen as Hope for NZ' printed in the Press recently. Hello! This is the kind of article we need more of! I love a good vision to get excited about, and this article features an ecological economist saying that Aotearoa could stand as a world leader in sustainable technology, thanks to our relatively low population.

Professor Robert Costanza, who heads the University of Vermont's Gund Institute for Ecological Economics in the United States, had some interesting points to make about New Zealand's potential future:

"New Zealand could be 100 per cent renewable without much effort, compared to other countries," he said.


"Renewable energy in a big way could make New Zealand the centre of a lot of technology change."

Yep. Oh yes it could. I've been talking about this for years with people in my circles. The fact that these ideas are making it into mainstream media is a sign that these ideas are no longer as edgy as they used to be, and may even actually manifest one day!

People need vision, such as these ideas, to get excited about. Inspiration and engagement of the heart is a great way to motivate positive change.

"It's all doable with the right amount of funding," he said, carrying on to say that New Zealand had an opportunity to become a "model" society.

"You've got a low population ... You don't have to be an export economy; you could focus more on sustainability."

Exactly, more focus on sustainability, and less on the stuff we don't want.

Roger that!
Over and out...

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