Tuesday, January 27, 2009

'The Recession is in Your Head'

To my great interest, I recently noticed a real estate sign (on the Richmond Straight, Nelson) that said - “The recession is in your head”. Wow! I thought, even real estate agencies feel the same way! I asked First National to elaborate on this statement and Colin Wilson provided me with a detailed explanation. Personally, I find it's far more fun to simply ignore all the messages that the media are blasting out at every opportunity and focus on staying happy and working towards my goals and dreams. If I didn't, I'd be miserable. I mean, why join the millions of other people who are investing their thoughts in insecurity and fear? Some one's gotta stay happy. This economic cyclic down-turn has been collectively created, and it will eventually be collectively left-behind. At times like these I think it's highly important and very useful to a) find things to feel grateful for and b) be kind to people and c) relax. I've got heaps to feel grateful for – a son, partner who loves me, a drooling and eager to live life Golden Retriever, food in the kitchen, water that flows from magical metal pipes when ever I summon it, a pink mosquito net. And then there's giving thing - giving to others (not to mention being kind to ourselves), during moments of spontaneous generosity is one seriously joyful experience that is hard to beat. The relaxing thing is mega important too. It's a funny old thing, trying to relax. The secret is to do stuff that makes you feel good - what ever it is - surfing, singing, eating, watching tv, gardening, walking, roller skating, cooking, fixing stuff, meditating - anything that will lull you into a calmer, happier state of mind. Having moments to relax during each day can honestly keep one in great health - it's amazing how simple our needs really are.

Getting back to the afore mentioned 'goals and dreas' life is full of cycles – the tide, the seasons, the property market, the school year, the ebb and flow of relationships – and I think the hard times are useful in that they stimulate definite feelings of displeasure, and in doing so inspire us to yearn for something more. That's where the dreams come in – they're invaluable, immeasurably precious, and the seeds of our futures (greet them like old friends and encourage them to stick around!). I interviewed award winning singer/songer writer Anika Moa nine months ago for Happyzine, and I asked her what advice she had for up and coming musicians with dreams to make it as big as she has. She replied "practice, practice, practice'. In a way, when we dream, we're practicing the great moments of our future. Dreams may be invisible to begin with, but look around at all the houses in your neighborhood. Those houses all began as some one's dream, and now they're solid and being lived in and much bigger than you. You never know, day-dreaming may one day be encouraged as a national pass time (stranger things have happened), it's actually an extremely productive activity and will lead us into the next phase of the cycle. All you need is a quite moment to relax and let the mind return to its normal state. Perhaps, as the sign said, it is all in the head.

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