Wednesday, January 28, 2009

An explanation of THE SIGN

I spotted this great sign in Nelson and asked Realtor Colin Wilson to explain where he was coming from:

"Yes - it is my sign. It is on Main Road Stoke in the industrial park between Stoke and Richmond. On the other side is an ad for a commercial property. My idea is really made of a lot of things. The media and financial markets have decided that the world is in recession. Nov and Dec showed that the man on the street is not as bad off as one would think with retail sales being up on previous years. Also with property, people simply take notice of the news and react accordingly saying they will not make real estate decisions because the market is going to fall, times are tough etc etc. They don't make them and so the market stalls and everyone says ha ha ha I told you so. A local business consultant who has one of the largest consultancies in the US and is a lecturer on business made the comment in the Nelson Mail just before Xmas that in down times people should be encouraged to spend as it is the recycling of money that makes the world go round and makes people earn. Spend gives employers the money to pay and so protects jobs etc etc. Similarly if people carry on and make decisions based on what they want and not what they read and hear we would all be better off. Imagine this. How would the locals know there was a recession on if they didn't watch TV or read the paper or listen to the radio. So by taking in the news from any and all of the media people get it in their heads that there is a recession on. So the recession is in your head simply means do what you do and don't listen to the media. Sooner or later in these times people get sick of being told times are tough and they carry on and do what they want anyway and so things come right from the bottom up. If the man in the street doesn't spend the whole upper part of the economy crashes. The recovery starts from the man in the street spending and making retail sales and construction etc etc pull away. This whole thing while has hurt a lot of people in someway with investments. The down turn didn't start by people loosing jobs it started from finance companies not being able to pay investors. The man in the street was still getting his weekly wages. It is the effects of what goes on in your head that has now hurt the man in the street and threatened jobs generally is in your head My sign is there to give another idea to marketing - People take notice of signs that say nothing but make you look and wonder what this actually means and this was a way I could get a bit of thought out there. It worked I guess. Colin

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